Wednesday, 5 December 2007

There's a fine fine line

This is a theory on men and women and their sexual relationships that I've been sitting on for a long time.

The basis of all this is men have penises. I know, duh! But beyond that they ejaculate. They cum. They leave a mark. A discharge.

Women have vaginas. Holes. Vaginas are ultimate holes. If I read more Freud I could probably quote some part that says women are negative or empty compared to the man's penis. We have no phallus and ultimately are trying to achieve it in one way or another. That being said. This theory is most evident by the nearest numbers that visually match the vagina and the penis. 1 and 0.

Now that we have this straight, let me point out that I'm not some crazy anti woman kind of person. I consider myself quite feminist in most respects. However, this is based on many conversations with drunk girls crying to me about how easily guys can let go, and my . How men aren't so easily attached to women, relationships, virginity, and sex in general. To many, sex is a bodily function and nothing more. Whereas women put these higher in the emotional rating system.

Let's get back to men and women. Penises and vaginas. Ones and zeros. When having sex men put their dicks into us. They fill our "holes." They "complete" us by enacting what could, if planned/unprotected, would get you pregnant and ultimately allow you to complete the vicious psychoanalysis circle that Freud described. Women have no penis-women are castrated-women have babies to create a phallus and to stand in for the penis.

Whether or not a man actually cums in you, leaving his ejaculation physically, he is leaving it mentally and emotionally. He is also expelling all his "emotions" into you. Yes. Believe it. Into you. Men can walk away so easily because they leave any emotions or feelings they could have for you "in" you.

Think of it as a math equation. What would make a 1 a 0? Oh yes. A -1. So 1 + -1 = 1 - 1 = 0/ A man ejaculates his feelings (ejaculation and feelings both equally -1). A woman than absorbs it so 0 + -1 = 0 - 1 + -1. So a woman absorbs the evil negative emotions and (temporarily) gets to feel all shitty and the man gets to feel relatively normal but overall still on the "positive" side of it all.

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